  • 浏览: 95524 次
  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: ...







@echo off
if "%1"=="b" goto bootstrap 
if "%1"=="br" goto bug-report 
if "%1"=="cl" goto clean 
if "%1"=="co" goto compile 
if "%1"=="con" goto console 
if "%1"=="ca" goto create-app 
if "%1"=="cc" goto create-controller 
if "%1"=="cdc" goto create-domain-class 
if "%1"=="cit" goto create-integration-test 
if "%1"=="cp" goto create-plugin 
if "%1"=="csc" goto create-script 
if "%1"=="cs" goto create-service 
if "%1"=="ctl" goto create-tag-lib 
if "%1"=="cut" goto create-unit-test 
if "%1"=="d" goto doc 
if "%1"=="ga" goto generate-all 
if "%1"=="gc" goto generate-controller 
if "%1"=="gv" goto generate-views 
if "%1"=="h" goto help 
if "%1"=="i" goto init 
if "%1"=="ip" goto install-plugin 
if "%1"=="it" goto install-templates 
if "%1"=="lp" goto list-plugins 
if "%1"=="p" goto package 
if "%1"=="pp" goto package-plugin 
if "%1"=="pi" goto plugin-info 
if "%1"=="rp" goto release-plugin 
if "%1"=="ra" goto run-app 
if "%1"=="rah" goto run-app-https 
if "%1"=="rw" goto run-war 
if "%1"=="sp" goto set-proxy 
if "%1"=="sv" goto set-version 
if "%1"=="shell" goto shell 
if "%1"=="s" goto stats 
if "%1"=="ta" goto test-app 
if "%1"=="u" goto upgrade 
if "%1"=="w" goto war 
if "%1"=="" goto cmdhelp 
goto normal
goto end

call grails %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
goto end

call grails bootstrap %2 %3 
goto end

call grails bug-report %2 %3 
goto end

call grails clean %2 %3 
goto end

call grails compile %2 %3 
goto end

call grails console %2 %3 
goto end

call grails create-app %2 %3 
goto end

call grails create-controller %2 %3 
goto end

call grails create-domain-class %2 %3 
goto end

call grails create-integration-test %2 %3 
goto end

call grails create-plugin %2 %3 
goto end
call grails create-script %2 %3 
goto end

call grails create-service %2 %3 
goto end

call grails create-tag-lib %2 %3 
goto end

call grails create-unit-test %2 %3 
goto end

call grails doc %2 %3 
goto end

call grails generate-all %2 %3 
goto end

call grails generate-controller %2 %3 
goto end

call grails generate-views %2 %3 
goto end

call grails help %2 %3 
goto end

call grails init %2 %3 
goto end

call grails install-plugin %2 %3 
goto end

call grails install-templates %2 %3 
goto end

call grails list-plugins %2 %3 
goto end

call grails package %2 %3 
goto end

call grails package-plugin %2 %3 
goto end

call grails plugin-info %2 %3 
goto end

call grails release-plugin %2 %3 
goto end

call grails run-app %2 %3 
goto end

call grails run-app-https %2 %3 
goto end

call grails run-war %2 %3 
goto end

call grails set-proxy %2 %3 
goto end

call grails set-version %2 %3 
goto end

call grails shell %2 %3 
goto end

call grails stats %2 %3 
goto end

call grails test-app %2 %3 
goto end

call grails upgrade %2 %3 
goto end

call grails war %2 %3 
goto end

echo ===============================================
echo 使用方法:
echo =============================================== 
echo eg: g b = grails bootstrap 
echo eg: g br = grails bug-report 
echo eg: g cl = grails clean 
echo eg: g co = grails compile 
echo eg: g con = grails console 
echo eg: g ca = grails create-app 
echo eg: g cc = grails create-controller 
echo eg: g cdc = grails create-domain-class 
echo eg: g cit = grails create-integration-test
echo eg: g cp = grails create-plugin 
echo eg: g csc = grails create-script 
echo eg: g cs = grails create-service 
echo eg: g ctl = grails create-tag-lib 
echo eg: g cut = grails create-unit-test 
echo eg: g d = grails doc 
echo eg: g ga = grails generate-all 
echo eg: g gc = grails generate-controller 
echo eg: g gv = grails generate-views 
echo eg: g h = grails help 
echo eg: g i = grails init 
echo eg: g ip = grails install-plugin 
echo eg: g it = grails install-templates 
echo eg: g lp = grails list-plugins 
echo eg: g p = grails package 
echo eg: g pp = grails package-plugin 
echo eg: g pi = grails plugin-info 
echo eg: g rp = grails release-plugin 
echo eg: g ra = grails run-app 
echo eg: g rah = grails run-app-https 
echo eg: g rw = grails run-war 
echo eg: g sp = grails set-proxy 
echo eg: g sv = grails set-version 
echo eg: g sh = grails shell 
echo eg: g s = grails stats 
echo eg: g ta = grails test-app 
echo eg: g u = grails upgrade 
echo eg: g w = grails war 
echo =============================================== 
echo 不匹配以上任何一种命令,将执行正常的命令语法
echo =============================================== 
goto end

good luck...


3 楼 KorbenZhang 2010-04-01  
2 楼 romejiang 2009-05-20  
1 楼 alang 2009-05-19  
哎。弄成缩写了反而不知道什么意思了。平时用多了自然会记住那些命令。实在想不起来了,还可以grails help嘛。



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